Paparrazi Mom

Paparrazi Mom

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Let's Catch Up

So, what has been going on in our world lately, you ask? In a nutshell, school and baseball. I feel like our life revolves around the two. I am trying to imagine how crazy things will be when Little H starts school and all of her extracurricular activities. She manages to keep us on our toes without any added activities.

E is having a great year in both school and baseball. He is reading and writing (What happened to the days when you learned your ABC's in Kindergarten?) He loves Library/Computer Lab Mondays and PE Tuesdays. As soon as we get to school he runs off to play with his friends, most of the time forgetting to give Momma a kiss (sniff! sniff!). He loves having his daddy coach his baseball team. More often that not, he has a ball and glove in hand, ready for a game of catch with anybody, at any time. It has been wonderful to see him succeed. While juggling it all can be difficult and exhausting at times, it's all worth it.

Little H is...well, she is TWO. She is smart and sassy. She loves to dance, and would wear her ballet dress and shoes everyday if I let her.  I can't wait to start her in dance lessons in the fall (when E is school full time). Lately, she has been obsessed with shoes, and lipstick, She has NO interest in going "potty" on the "big girl potty." She LOVES to go to E's baseball games to cheer him on and play at the park. Okay, I think it's more about the park, but she always throws in a "Go, E, go!" for good measure. She makes me laugh and want to tear my hair out every day.

(notice the ballet dress in both?)

School and baseball will be winding down soon. We will be very busy with end of the year parties and activities for both. Hopefully sooner, rather than later, Little H will grow out of the "terrible twos" and into the "fantastic two-and-halfs" (hey, a momma can dream).  Then we'll get to enjoy a nice relaxing summer (yeah right!) before we start 1st Grade, soccer, dance, and whatever else the kiddos want to do! And the cycle continues... The cycle of craziness, pride, exhaustion, joy, hard work, cheers, battles, smiles, hugs, hits and misses, love, and fun.

That's it... in a nutshell!

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