So, as I was laying in bed last night, I told myself that I was going to make a today a great day. No matter what the kids laid on me, I was going to keep my cool and stay positive. I was going make sure we did something fun so I wouldn't have to hear, "I'm bored!" I was going be patient with my strong-willed daughter and her ability to pretend I am not talking to her. This is the same conversation I have with myself almost every night, but in particular on the nights before Daddy goes back to work. For some reason, the kids sometimes have a tendency to turn into whiny, pouty, fit-throwing MONSTERS when Daddy heads off to work. It's just different. I can't explain it, but I'm pretty sure I am not the only Momma that experiences it So, I HAVE to prepare myself for the days I spend doing it alone. Some days it works. didn't.
My patience was first tested at 7:30 this morning when E woke up (yep, didn't take long). He immediately began whining about not being able to snuggle with me because Little Miss H was "taking up all the roooom" (are you imagining the whiny voice?). The fact that my little boy still wants to snuggle his mommy when he wakes up the morning is a very heartwarming thought, and normally I would think, "Awwww!" But when he starts whining about it before I've had my coffee, I think, "Awww $#@&!"
Little H did her fair share of testing as well. Just as we were ready to walk out the door to run some errands, I walked into her room to find that the ENTIRE middle drawer of her dresser had been emptied onto the floor. Since I am a little crazy about making sure the house is somewhat picked up before leaving, you can imagine my frustration at having to leave it all there until we came home. (Deep breaths)
The truth of it all is, the kids didn't really have a bad day. Mommy did. They were just being KIDS. It was just "one of THOSE days." One of those days when my bedtime pep-talk was forgotten somewhere along the way. One of those days when I just didn't have the patience I had hoped I would have. One of those days when all of my good intentions just didn't translate into reality.
It wasn't all bad... REALLY! Let's focus on the positives of the day!
After twenty minutes of asking Little H to pick up her toys, I decided to save my breath and sanity, and do it myself (one of those "pick your battles" moments). As she supervised my work, she told me, "Great job, Mommy!" A good sign that the positive reinforcement is working..., right?
E doesn't have anymore homework for the rest of year! Woo hoo! We won't tell him, yet, that he still has to read and write in his journal every week during the summer. In fact, maybe I'll just let Daddy tell him that part. : )
I am feeling much better now that I have spilled my guts and guilt onto this blog for all to see.
And last, but not least, we made it! The day almost over, and my kids are happy, healthy and safe in their beds. Tomorrow is another day, and once again, I tell myself that I will make it a great one. We are going to laugh and play. We are going to listen to each other and "use our words". We are going to get along and enjoy each other. We will have patience to spare. Those are my good intentions.
Here's to a better tomorrow!
La Momma