Paparrazi Mom

Paparrazi Mom

Friday, August 19, 2011

To Do Lists

Whew! It has been a while! This summer has flown by, and I am sorry I haven't been keeping up with this blogging thing as well as I had planned.
 I am hoping that now we are getting back into a routine, I will also be more diligent about keeping up with LaMomma too.
See, to get us back into our routine, I am also back in the habit of my list making.
Yes, I am a list girl. I like to make lists for just about EVERYTHING:
Grocery Shopping (of course),
Party Planning,
Wish Lists,
Holiday Shopping (which has already been started),
and my all time favorite...
 the TO DO LIST.
I find that these lists keep me organized, motivated and confident -- confident that I have it all under control(Ha ha ha)!
So, I have started my lists.
My TO DO list started out with the typical "around the house stuff,"
Wipe down kitchen
Clean kids bathroom...
 You know everything that we mommies try to get done during the day.

My list was coming together nicely. With every task added, my confidence was steadily increasing. Until...
I was snapped back to reality by my screaming kiddos.
Of course they were fighting...again about who knows what.
I realized, then, there were some things missing from my To Do List.
In fact it was missing some VERY important tasks.

So, here is my revised TO DO List:

Have Patience
Say lots of "I love yous"
Have Patience
Give lots of Hugs and Kisses
Have Patience
Have fun
Have Patience
Have Patience
Have Patience
Wipe Down Kitchen
Have Patience
Clean Kids Bathroom
Have Patience
Have Patience

 Notice a theme? Obviously 2 and 6 year olds require a lot of PATIENCE.

Is it sad that I have to include these things on my TO DO List?
But, I have to say, that it has served me (and my kiddos) pretty well the last couple of days.

Sometimes, in the midst of trying to keep up, we forget to keep up with the life's most important tasks.
So...add them to your LIST, and hopefully you will be able to put a big CHECK MARK next to them at the end of each day.

Happy List Making!

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