Paparrazi Mom

Paparrazi Mom

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What I learned in Kindergarten

First Day of Kindergarten

Last Day of Kindergarten


I learned...that it is hard to relinquish control.
I learned...that I worry too much.
I learned...that it is important to be involved.
I learned...that kids have a lot on their plates.
I learned...that all these years, I didn't miss homework.
I learned...that teachers have a REALLY hard job.
I learned...that our schools are WAY underfunded.
I learned...that attitude is EVERYTHING.
I learned...that I love the school my kids attend or will attend.
I learned...that a lot is expected of our children.
I learned...that I love to have my son read to me rather than me reading to him.
I learned...that E is very smart, confident, and independent.
I learned...My kid is AWESOME!
(okay, so I already knew that, but I was reminded of it a lot this year)

On to First Grade!

1 comment:

  1. So.. did E's mommy learn more than E did?? Congrats to ALL of you for finishing Kindergarten!
