Paparrazi Mom

Paparrazi Mom

Friday, February 7, 2014


So, there are a lot of exciting things happening around here (hence the reason I haven't posted in a few weeks)! I feel like I have a lot of apples in the air, and I am just hoping I am able to them all from crashing to the ground.

We are starting another season of Baseball! This is a crazy, hectic, fun, and stressful time of year for us. WE LOVE IT!!! As I have said, watching the bond my son and hubby have on that field together is something I will cherish always, but being team parent (coach's/husband's  organizer, email sender, and team activity director) definitely adds to the juggling act of baseball.

This year, we are also throwing another apple into the act: Gymnastics. In the past, gymnastics has been an activity Hannah has done when Ethan is in school, and she is not. She recently graduated into a more advanced level for 4-5 year olds (Yay!). So, a morning class is no longer an option for us. Tuesday evenings will now be a juggling act between gym and a possible baseball practice (hopefully not a game).

I have also thrown in a couple of apples of my very own! I am starting to get serious about my photography (even have a potential wedding to shoot in May)! I plan on taking some photography classes this year once Hannah is in school full time, and I would love to do more family sessions. I have plans to start website, and complete all of the "official business" stuff. This is going to require a lot of work and research, but I AM READY!

I have also recently become a Product Consultant for DoTerra International Essential Oils. So official sounding, right?!?! Really, it just means I just get share my experiences with essentials oils to whomever wants to listen. Guess what...I was already doing that!!!! Now, I can also offer people the means to have their own experiences with these oils! I am really excited about the possibilities this has presented, and I am even more excited about the excitement and willingness of others to learn about essential oils!

On top of these recently added apples, I am still JUGGLING my involvement with the kids' schools, homework, housework (that apple seems to be dropped a lot), and MOST IMPORTANTLY making myself available to be a good mom and wife. 

Please don't mistake any of this as complaining! I am thrilled and grateful to have all of these opportunities for myself and for my family. I am also under no illusions that I am JUGGLING any more than anybody else out there! This is what we all do as moms and dads and wives and husbands and friends and family.

What I am realizing out of all of this is how blessed I am to have amazing support of family and many wonderful friends. So, when I feel like there are too many apples in the air, I can just toss one their way, and somebody always seems to catch it! 

I hope they all know that I will be there to catch their apples too!